Q: How do I get past character creation?  When I click on the skill bars, they just drag around! 
A: You need to use the + and - buttons, not click directly on the bar.

Q: I can leave the character creation screen without doing X
A: Right now, I'm not checking if you have filled out the character screen.  It doesn't cause any bugs to leave your character completely blank, and it makes it quicker for me to test.  Eventually I'll create a debug feature, but that's staying as is for now.

Q: Setting all these schedules suck, you should make it easier.
A: I plan on implementing various ways of making scheduling easier for a large amount of characters.  I hate making UIs, so it's beneath "make the game actually playable" on my to-do list.

Q: The font somewhere is so small I cant read it!
A: Please take a screenshot and send it to me.  A couple people have said this, but none of the text is smaller than 18pt, so it should be clearly visible.

Q: There is no way to change from a university to a brothel/military school/etc.
A: I chose to start work using the university style building, and am still focusing on making the game fun, playable and smooth running before I start focusing more on adding content.


  1. How do I actually get your game to work? I've downloaded it but when I try to click on new game or options it doesn't do anything.

    1. Nevermind, got that to work, but I don't see any way to make a brothel or a military school: it's just academic stuff.

    2. The game is currently in the prototype (pre-alpha) phase - I'm working on getting the main gameplay elements finished before I add more content. I chose the "university" style building to start with, and I'll expand on the rest later. Thanks for the question.
