Monday, September 28, 2015

Content Poll

I've noticed recently that some straight folks get fairly upset when they're expecting to see straight content, and they accidentally end up with gay content instead.  I'm curious how strongly people feel about this.

I definitely plan on having both straight and gay content in Gaast, but with filters to allow individual users to limit what type of content they see.  That said, I think it might limit some interesting content - for example:

I'm working on a hazing scene for Gaast, where upperclassmen haze freshmen by having them perform oral sex on willing students & teachers passing by in the hallway.  I could write a version of the scene which has straight and gay pairings together, or I could write two scenes which have straight or gay pairings, to mesh with the content restrictions.  If I do it the first way, neither gay nor straight people who don't want to see content contrary to their orientation will see that scene.  The second way is a bit more work, and makes the scene less interesting to certain (especially bisexual) people.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments, or answer the poll on the sidebar.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Update 0.1.3

0.1.3 is up on!  Here are the patch notes:

Added images for Teamsters event.
Implemented interview process.
Fixed pause menu drawing underneath other menus
Fixed some issues with pausing, then ending the game.
Fixed a bug with schedules not differentiating between weekday and weekend room activities (was causing a crash while scheduling reception activity)

Note that I would have added an image for the Assistant Selection event, but the artist mistakenly drew the actors nude D:

My next project will be to add student arrival. Students will arrive in "classes," with multiple students arriving simultaneously at a specific interval. Students will each have a goal (or degree) in mind, and some may need to stay longer than others to achieve their goal. Students pay tuition and rent (if they choose to stay on campus), which will be two of the main sources of income for the university-type business.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Possible Delays

Looks like my artist has had some delays, so I might have to put off the next release until next week.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Bella & Adena

Bella & Adena
A slight miscommunication with the artist (they were supposed to be applying for a job, not nude!), but here are Bella and Adena, the assistants the player can currently choose from.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I've added an FAQ to the links on the right side of the blog.  In other news, I'm hoping to have 0.1.3 out sometime this week, complete with hiring new employees.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First ever status update

The current build of the game is 0.1.2.  This update was focused mostly on bug fixes with the UI and cleanup on exiting the game, and starting a new game.  It also added the ability to select the foyer, and schedule a character to be the receptionist - which will be important for the next update.

I am currently working on adding an "interview process," where visitors can come to your business and request to become employees, students or customers.  It will be worked into the event system, and involve testing your owner and/or assistants judgement skill to determine what the interviewee's skills and personality traits are.  Some people have a lower self-worth than others, so may sell themselves short, while others have an inflated self worth and may claim they are more skilled than they really are.

I have also hired an illustrator to illustrate some scenes from the "Teamsters" event, and am really excited to see the results!

Edit:  I forgot to add that in the 0.1.2 build I added some dialog to the assistant selection event which should hopefully help players figure out what they should be doing.

Hello World!

Welcome to the Gaast development blog.  Here you can find news and development updates, as well as basic information about the game, and where the game is going.